Communicating Science

Woman explaining the Earth's magnetic field to an audience of school children.

Explaining magnetoreception and its use in animal nav­iga­tion to school children in Australia. Photo: R. Snashall.

Making science accessible

Getting accurate and engaging information about the advancements of science is, un­for­tu­nate­ly, a privilege. Scientists often cannot en­gage with their audience in a way that makes their message understandable. On the other hand, skilful writers without scientific back­ground often oversimplify, either missing the point or warping the message in the process.

I have made it my goal to be able to explain my re­search in simple yet accurate terms to any­body who is ready to listen or read my texts. I have given sci­en­tific presentations to scientists and school children alike, and taught scientific writing to university students.

Would you like me to give a popular scientific talk or write a news piece on a scientific topic in English or Finnish? Get in touch!

Popular science by me

Below are links to popular scientific texts and videos in Finnish and English.

Check out my blog Silmästä silmään for more science stories in Finnish.

  • ABC South East Radio

    ABC South East interviewed Eric Warrant and me about the Bogong moths.

    Listen to it here

  • Written in the stars - Secrets of the Bogong moth

    Mini documentary avout the Bogong moth field research team in Adaminaby, New South Wales (YouTube).

  • Öisen mehiläisen laskennallinen Leatherman

    Ötökkäakatemian kirjoituskilpailuun lähettämäni tarinan pääset lukemaan tästä.